Ask Me Anything: Studying Abroad in Florence and/or Scholarships
Day | Monday, February 24 |
Time | 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM |
Where | Old Champlain Room 240 (IEGI Office) |
Are you considering studying abroad in Italy? Come by and Education Abroad Ambassador Sophia any questions about her experience at Istituto Lorenzo de? Medici (LdM) during the semester term! LdM is one of the most distinctive and well-established study abroad institutions in Italy. LdM prides itself on offering academic and professionally-oriented courses designed to foster a variety of study a...
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Add to Calendar 02/24/2025 1:00 PM 02/24/2025 2:00 PM America/New_York Ask Me Anything: Studying Abroad in Florence and/or Scholarships Are you considering studying abroad in Italy? Come by and Education Abroad Ambassador Sophia any questions about her experience at Istituto Lorenzo de? Medici (LdM) during the semester term! LdM is one of the most distinctive and well-established study abroad institutions in Italy. LdM prides itself on offering academic and professionally-oriented courses designed to foster a variety of study a... Old Champlain Room 240 (IEGI Office)