previousFebruary 23nextSunday, February 23All DayAPPLY FOR THE EDUCATION MINOR!!! 7:00 AMClub Sports: Tae Kwon Do Tournament @ Princeton University 8:00 AMFSAE Electric Vehicle Training & Testing 8:00 AMClub Sports: Women's Volleyball Tournament @ Oswego12:00 PMClub Sports: Men's Lacrosse Tournament @ Bloomsburg, PA12:00 PMCSG Town Hall 1:00 PMDungeons and Dragons with Cas! PART 2 1:00 PMBSU Black Excellence Brunch 1:30 PMHillel Snow Tubing 2:00 PMComic Book Club 3:00 PMDie Fledermaus 4:00 PMClub Sports: Outdoors Skiing @ Montage Mountain 4:00 PMMario Kart Competition 5:00 PMPep Band Rehearsal 5:00 PMBlack History Month Culture Fair 5:00 PMMass 5:00 PMPep Band Rehearsal 5:30 PMCrochet and Cookies 6:00 PMTASC SPRING BANQUET 7:30 PMChinese Take Me Out! 7:30 PMCrazy Lit Movie Night Monday, February 24All DayAPPLY FOR THE EDUCATION MINOR!!!