previousFebruary 25nextTuesday, February 25All DayAPPLY FOR THE EDUCATION MINOR!!! 8:30 AMCCE Day of Service at CHOW 10:00 AMFebruary Postdoc Get-Together10:05 AMLearn WordPress (Part One)11:00 AMPSS Supervisor Affinity Group - Restorative Practices11:00 AMTherapy Dogs at Decker College 11:00 AMP.A.W.S. x Decker School of Nursing11:30 AMInclusive Pedagogy Lunch & Learn Series: Part 212:00 PMSun Smarts & Skin Safety: Spotting the Signs of Skin Cancer 12:30 PMFamily + Relative English Experience - Join the Conversation! 1:00 PM Education Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 1:00 PMESURC Tuesday Office Hours 1:00 PMSocial Media v. Hate & Bias 1:15 PMDHRI Kick-Off 1:30 PMCafe con LACAS 1:30 PMHarpur Advising Team Space Takeover 2:00 PMHow to Prepare Your Optional Practical Training (OPT) Application 2:30 PMDecker College Alumni Coffee Chat: Annie DePugh BSN and an MPH. 4:00 PMLet's Talk 4:30 PMLearn About International Internships and Volunteer Opportunities through Projects Abroad! (Virtual Webinar) 5:00 PMInterdisciplinary Research Club GBM 5:00 PMMentorship Program Mentor-Mentee Match up #2 5:00 PMSnorkeling made simple: Dive into your next adventure 5:30 PMMySQL Workshop 5:30 PMNetworking & Internship Workshop with STM Kelcie! 6:00 PMIEEE Study Hall 6:00 PMCascade Craft Night with SA Michelle 6:00 PMSuccess Metrics Workshop 6:00 PMGeneral Interest Meeting: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Partnerships and New Energy New York 6:00 PMBPP GBM 6:00 PMLobby 101 6:00 PMPaper Frame Making with CA Lindsey 6:00 PMSmall Group Bible Study with Nicky 6:00 PMPaper Frame Making with CA Lindsey 6:00 PMS?more Connections: Toasty Talks with Future Roomies 6:30 PMBAPDA Practice Rounds 6:30 PMBU Bouncers GBM 6:30 PMSASE Time Capsules 7:00 PMSpring GIM #1 7:00 PMFriends and Friendship Bracelets! 7:00 PMRafuse Winter Wonderland 7:00 PMBible Study with Naomi and Jordan 7:00 PMASL Club GBM 7:30 PMHamantaschen Bake 7:30 PMCoffee Chat w/ Dr. Tracy Hookway 7:30 PMPiano Studio Recital 7:30 PMSmall Group Bible Study with Franklin & Josh D 8:00 PMSociety of Women Engineers GBM#3: WCAC Interview Workshop 8:00 PMMafia Club GBM 8:00 PMPokemon Fan Club: Fakemon Drawing 8:00 PMPraise & Worship Eucharistic AdorationWednesday, February 26All DayAPPLY FOR THE EDUCATION MINOR!!!