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If an interior room is not available, the class may move to an interior stairwell. During an event, you may visit the ý website for incident updates  HYPERLINK "http://www.binghamton.edu" www.binghamton.edu or call the BU Alert Line (607) 777-7700. If possible, turn on a radio or television and listen for further instructions. If your e-mail address or mobile device is registered with ýs emergency alert system, check your device for alert notifications. Make yourself comfortable and look after one other. You will get word as soon as it is safe to come out. Evacuation An evacuation will be considered if the building we are in is affected or we must move to a location of greater safety. We will always evacuate if the fire alarm sounds. In the event of an evacuation, please gather your personal belongings quickly (purse, keys, cell phone, University ID card, etc.) and proceed to the nearest exit. Do not use the elevator. Once we have evacuated the building, proceed to our primary rendezvous location: In the event that this location is unavailable, we will meet at our secondary location: Violent Person Nearby If there is a reason to believe a potentially violent person is nearby, stay as calm as possible. The first priority will be to ensure our own safety by moving to a location that can be secured by a locked door or by quickly and quietly leaving the area. The circumstances will determine how we react. Next we must contact University Police at 911 or at (607) 777-2222 and provide as much information as possible. We will remain calm and quiet and in our safe location until University Police advises us it is safe to return to our normal activities. For more information, go to the University Police website at  HYPERLINK "http://police.binghamton.edu/activeshooter.html" http://police.binghamton.edu/activeshooter.html. Emergency Alerts (i.e. text messaging) ý provides notification by text message, e-mail, voice call or fax during an emergency. Visit the BU BRAIN portal ( HYPERLINK "https://bubrain.binghamton.edu/" https://bubrain.binghamton.edu/) for instructions on how to sign up for alerts pertaining to ý. If you receive an emergency alert notification during class, please share the information immediately. Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) AEDs are located in every campus building and may be used by anyone when assisting at a medical emergency. The closest AED to our location can be found here: If someone experiences a heart-related medical emergency in our class, someone should immediately retrieve the AED. Additional Information Additional information about emergency preparedness and response at ý can be found on the BU Emergency Management website ( HYPERLINK "http://emergency.binghamton.edu/" http://emergency.binghamton.edu/).       .9:GPhl̽wjw[jwjwN?hZjhhOJQJmH sH hZjh3OJQJ^JhZjh)OJQJmH sH hZjhY8OJQJ^JhZjh)OJQJ^JhZjh1<5OJQJ^JhZjh%i5OJQJ^JhZjh35OJQJ^Jh5CJOJQJ^JaJhh5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h#ah35CJOJQJ^JaJ#h#ah%i5CJOJQJ^JaJh5CJOJQJ^JaJ:h Rsgd'B 'BgdZjgd  'gdvgd"Qgdo & F<1$gd) & F1$gd)xgdZj$a$gdh    N P {   ^ a d j | / 8 > ? 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