Please note this is a reference page for students who matriculated to the Student
Affairs Administration (SAA) Program prior to the academic year 2024-25.
The Master of Science in Student Affairs Administration (MS SAA), a 45-minimum credit
hour program, includes:
- 15 credit hours of core student affairs required coursework
- A 3-credit hour research methods course
- 21 credit hours of electives
- A minimum 3-credit hour internship
- A 3-credit hour capstone course (SAA 524 - New Student Affairs Professionals)
SAA students must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 and must receive
a B or higher grade in all required courses to graduate. It typically takes full-time
students two years to complete our program.
Core Courses (15 Credits)
SAA 510 - Intro to Stdnt Personnel Srvcs
This course provides a comprehensive study of the organizational structure, functional
units, and administrative relationship of personnel services in two- and four-year
institutions of higher education. These include understanding the relationships among
admissions, academic advising, career services, counseling centers, judicial affairs,
multicultural affairs, orientation, residence halls, student activities, financial
aid and student health to name a few. Prerequisite: Admission into a recognized graduate
program at °®¶¹´«Ã½, or consent of the SAA department chair. Offered:
fall only. 3 credits.
Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
SAA 511 - Clg Std Dev Thry, Rsrch, Pract
The primary purpose of this course will be to explore current programs, issues,
practices, research, and trends in college student development. Special attention
will be given to the historical, philosophical and theoretical foundations of student
development as it relates to practice. Prerequisite: Admission into a recognized
graduate program at °®¶¹´«Ã½, or consent of the SAA department chair.
Offered: fall only. 3 credits.
Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
SAA 512 - Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
This is a core (required) course for the SAA Degree. The purpose of this course
is to prepare students for integrating critical reflection, multicultural research,
and social justice advocacy in student affairs practice. Prerequisite: Admission
into a recognized graduate program at °®¶¹´«Ã½, or consent of the SAA
department chair. Offered spring only. 3 Credits.
Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
SAA 513 - Orgnztn & Admin in Higher Edu
This course will focus on the organization and administration of higher education.
The course is designed to provide basic information about the organizational and function
of major administrative units and administrators in institutions of higher education.
Prerequisite: Admission into a recognized graduate program at °®¶¹´«Ã½,
or consent of the SAA department chair. Offered: spring only. 3 credits.
Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
SAA 514 - Law in Higher Education
This course will explore some of the pressing legal issues that today confront
American institutions of higher education. Special attention will be given to how
courts have attempted to balance the sometimes competing rights and responsibilities
of institutions, faculty, staff, and students. Issues to be explored include: first
amendment rights of students, academic freedom of faculty, search and seizure issues
in residence halls, affirmative action in admissions, regulation of athletics, privacy
issues, religious freedom on campus, rights of students with disabilities, employment
discrimination and institutional liability for student behavior. Prerequisite: Admission
into a recognized graduate program at °®¶¹´«Ã½, or consent of the SAA
department chair. Offered: spring only. 3 credits.
Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Educational Research Requirement (3-4 Credits)
SAA 515 - Research Mthds in Higher Ed
The course will introduce students to research methods used in the social sciences.
Topics include competing epistemologies; quantitative and qualitative research methods;
concept development; valid and reliable measures; and data analyses. Prerequisite:
Admission into a recognized graduate program at °®¶¹´«Ã½, or consent
of the SAA department chair. Offered: fall. 3 credits.
Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
PAFF 510 - Research Design and Methods
This course is intended as an introduction to research methods. It focuses on the
""logic of inquiry""--how one goes from theory or research interest
to empirical results. Upon completion, students are able to: 1) construct a research
hypothesis/research question; 2) identify appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative
method(s) for investigating that question; 3) collect and analyze data; and 4) present
research results.
Offered: fall and spring. 4 credits.
Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Application of Learning (3 Credits)
SAA 595 - Internship
The Student Affairs Administration Internship is an experiential learning opportunity
that provides students in the Master of Science in Student Affairs Administration
(MS SAA) program with real-world practical experience in a Student Affairs/Services,
or closely related area of interest at a two-year or four-year institution of higher
Note: If you're a student who is pursuing a dual degree in MS SAA and MPA, and
you want to use the same placement site for both SAA 595 and PAFF 594 internships,
you will need to complete 300 internship hours and all of the coursework for PAFF
594 and SAA 595. Additionally, you will need to select a placement site that fulfills
both the MPA and SAA requirements.
The student must be matriculated in the MS SAA program having completed their core
MS SAA courses (SAA 510, 511, 512, 513, and 514) with a grade of B (3.0) or better.
Dual Degree students must also have completed these additional MPA core courses (PAFF
520, 521, and either PAFF 510 or SAA 515) with a grade of B (3.0) or better. Offered:
semester varies. 3 credits.
Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Demonstration of Competencies (3 Credits)
SAA 524 - New Student Affair Professiona
The purpose of this course is to provide you with a structured opportunity to reflect
on and synthesize your learning in the SAA master’s program and to prepare you
for the transition to a professional role. Emphasis will be placed on reflection and
synthesis, understanding your professional strengths and interests, the student affairs
job search, and transition from a student role to a professional role. Prerequisite:
Admission into a recognized
graduate program at °®¶¹´«Ã½, or consent of the SAA department chair.
Offered: spring. 3 credits.
Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Elective Courses (21 Credits)