Star Award


Do you know a campus employee who “shines” at work?

The STAR Award recognizes, affirms and supports examples of outstanding quality service by any faculty or staff member within the ý community. The campus takes pride in exceptional service, and we hope to continue that momentum!

The STAR award is given to the person as a “surprise” to them, with most of the STAR team participating. The employee’s work group and supervisor are typically invited to attend the brief ceremony. A member of the STAR team shares the reasons for the nomination, along with highlights from supporting letters. The winner is then honored with a letter from the University president, a STAR coffee mug, a check for $100 and a STAR pin.


Any employee may be nominated, including those who work in Auxiliary Services, and any faculty member, staff member or student may write a nomination. The nomination should provide sufficient information for the STAR committee to understand the employee’s exemplary work. Successful nominations usually include at least four letters of support from colleagues, supervisors or customers.

The STAR committee accepts nominations on an ongoing basis, so there are no deadlines. Generally, the committee meets each month to review nominations. If a nomination is selected for an award, the nominator will be called to discuss when and where to acknowledge the winner.

We encourage nominations because we know there are many deserving people out there doing excellent work every day on our campus.


Current STAR Award Committee:

  • Vicki Metritikas, Human Resources
  • Peter Nardone, University Union
  • Sara DeClemente-Hammoud, Human Resources
  • Rachel Coker, Office of Research Advancement