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Encourage Self-Evaluation - Notify the staff member that the evaluation is due and that a self-evaluation form may be completed voluntarily and submitted to the supervisor prior to completion of the preliminary evaluation. The form may be attached to the final evaluation and can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www2.binghamton.edu/human-resources/forms/index.html#Professional-Employee-Self-Evaluation" http://www2.binghamton.edu/human-resources/forms/index.html#Professional-Employee-Self-Evaluation. Often a self-evaluation serves as an important step for the staff member to reflect on their accomplishments and challenges faced over the evaluation year of which the supervisor may or may not be aware. Secondary Sources - While not required, it is strongly recommended that secondary sources be consulted. Prepare a Preliminary Evaluation and New Performance Program - Include the items identified in B below in the evaluation. Evaluate the range of performance from commendable to areas in need of improvement. Assign an overall rating of either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. Issue a new performance program for the next evaluation period. Meet with the Employee - Discuss the preliminary evaluation. Review the extent to which secondary sources influenced the evaluation. If a rating of unsatisfactory has been assigned, the basis for this characterization shall also be part of the discussion. The new performance program shall also be discussed with the staff member, but the supervisor has final authority with regard to what is included. Prepare the Final Evaluation Report - After considering the staff member's feedback, prepare the final evaluation and new performance program. Distribute the completed documents - Submit the final evaluation and new performance program in confidential envelopes as follows: Signed Original Form: Office of Human Resources Copies: Employee, Supervisor, Second-line Supervisor.  B. Instructions for the Evaluation Form1. Duties and Responsibilities: The evaluation must be based on the duties, objectives, and criteria established in the performance program. The supervisor determines criteria for evaluation. The following are suggested in Appendix A-28 of the UUP Agreement, but others may be substituted or included. Effectiveness in Performance: As demonstrated, for example, by success in carrying out assigned duties and responsibilities, efficiency, productivity, and relationships with colleagues. If the staff member is a supervisor, include whether they have completed performance programs and evaluations for their staff in a timely manner. Comments:  FORMTEXT       b) Mastery of Specialization: As demonstrated, for example, by degrees, licenses, honors, awards, presentations at conferences and meetings, offices held in professional organizations, publications, and professional reputation in their field. Comments:  FORMTEXT       c) Professional Ability: As demonstrated, for example, by invention or innovation in professional, scientific, administrative, or technical areas; i.e., development or refinement of programs, methods, procedures, or apparatus. Comments:  FORMTEXT       d) Effectiveness in University Service: As demonstrated, for example, by public service, committee work and involvement in university-related student or community activities. Comments:  FORMTEXT       e) Continued Growth: As demonstrated, for example, by continuing education, participation in professional organizations, completion of professional training programs, or research. Comments:  FORMTEXT       f) Additional criteria, if applicable: Comments:  FORMTEXT      2. Areas for Growth and/or Improvement: Include specific suggestions regarding opportunities for professional growth and/or strategies for improving performance, such as attendance at a specific training program, etc. Comments:  FORMTEXT       3. Summary Statement From Secondary Sources: Feedback should be summarized without specific reference to the source. Comments:  FORMTEXT       4. Overall Performance: According to t2jl6 8 L N \ p r ⽱{kX%jh`mCJOJQJUaJjh+CJOJQJUaJ%j h`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJjh`mCJOJQJUaJh`mCJOJQJaJh`m5CJOJQJaJh`m5OJQJ\^Jh`m5OJQJ^Jh`mOJQJ^J&jhoW#OJQJU^JmHnHu2hjl~ $7$8$H$Ifgd+Tkdv$$Ifl 0|)\ l t44 la  $7$8$H$If$If$a$ $7$8$H$a$  6 ^ p $7$8$H$If$IfTkd$$Ifl 0|)\ l t44 la    " F H \ ^ l n p   & ( 6 8 : v x аНЊwd%jh`mCJOJQJUaJ%j'h`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJh`m5CJOJQJaJh`mCJOJQJaJjh`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJ& rla $7$8$H$If$Ifkd$$Ifl r"|)\  t44 la  $ > n $7$8$H$If$IfTkd$$Ifl 0|)\ l t44 la n p  8 tt $7$8$H$If$Ifzkd$$Ifl \"|)\   t44 la 8 : v t $7$8$H$If$Ifzkd$$Ifl \o|)\    t44 la    H K !".ijùМm\\mIm$h|hok0JCJOJQJ^JaJ hokhokCJOJQJ^JaJ#jhokCJOJQJU^JaJhokCJOJQJ^JaJh`m5CJOJQJ^JaJh`mCJOJQJ^JaJh`m5CJOJQJ\aJh`mOJQJ^Jh`m5CJOJQJaJh`mCJOJQJaJjh`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJ  ^S $7$8$H$IfAkd$$Ifl |)( t44 la $If7$8$H$Tkdb$$Ifl 0|)\ l t44 la  +,k*[AkdP $$Ifl|)( t44 la $Ifh$7$8$H$If^h $7$8$H$If & F $7$8$H$If+j;+A\fIUV`a V$&(<>LN\@ƹ᪹᪹ƹƚƇƚt%j h`mCJOJQJUaJ%jw h`mCJOJQJUaJjh`mCJOJQJUaJh`m5CJOJQJ\aJh`m5CJOJQJaJh`mCJOJQJaJh`m5CJOJQJ^JaJh`mCJOJQJ^JaJ h`m5CJOJQJ\^JaJ-IJfX & F $7$8$H$IfAkd $$Ifl |)( t44 la  $7$8$H$IfAkd $$Ifl |)( t44 la $If7$8$H$ JTU$&NPR*,@Bjln  $7$8$H$If@BDXZhjx  *P0 J L N b d r v z | òòòyl]h`m5CJOJQJ\aJh`m5CJOJQJaJ%j h`mCJOJQJUaJ%jO h`mCJOJQJUaJ%j h`mCJOJQJUaJ h`m5CJOJQJ\^JaJh`mCJOJQJ^JaJ%jc h`mCJOJQJUaJjh`mCJOJQJUaJh`mCJOJQJaJ$4 6 J L t v ."0"rAkd $$Ifl|)( t44 la Akd; $$Iflu|)( t44 la  $7$8$H$If ,"."0"H"J"^"`"n"t"v"~""b#d#f#~#########$L+LIL}L~LLLLLLLL٧٧r_%jyh`mCJOJQJUaJh`m5CJOJQJ^JaJU%j=h`mCJOJQJUaJ h`m5CJOJQJ\^JaJh`m5CJOJQJ\aJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJjh`mCJOJQJUaJh`m5CJOJQJaJh`mCJOJQJaJh`mCJOJQJ^JaJ%0"2"F"H"p"r"t"v""d#f#h#|#~#rAkd$$Ifl|)( t44 la Akdw$$Ifl|)( t44 la  $7$8$H$If ~########~LLLLLLrAkd$$Ifl|)( t44 la Akd$$Ifl|)( t44 la  $7$8$H$If he contract language you must check either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. If Satisfactory, indicate level of satisfaction.   FORMCHECKBOX  Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Unsatisfactory Optional:  FORMCHECKBOX  Meets Expectations  FORMCHECKBOX  Exceeds Expectations Comments:  FORMTEXT       5. Employee Self-Evaluation Attached?  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No Comments:  FORMTEXT       6. Performance Program for Next Evaluation Cycle Attached?  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No Comments:  FORMTEXT        I have received and discussed my performance program and this document with my supervisor. My signature does not represent agreement or disagreement with the evaluation. If I wish to comment, I have appended a written, dated, and signed statement. I understand that I have a right to a review of this evaluation by the Committee on Professional Evaluation if my performance has been characterized as "unsatisfactory" and that I must inform, in writing, my immediate supervisor, the chair of the Committee on Professional Evaluation, and the College President or designee, of my intention to request such a review, within ten working days of receipt of this document. __________________________________________ ______________________LLLLLLLLLLLLMMM*M+M5M6M NNNlNnNpNrNNNNNNNNN{hU%jh`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJh`m5CJOJQJ\aJh`m5CJOJQJaJ%jIh`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJ%jah`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJh`mCJOJQJaJjh`mCJOJQJUaJ!LLLLLLMM)M*MNNNNNNNNNlNAkd$$Ifl|)( t44 la  $7$8$H$IflNnNpNNNNNNN OOOOOO $7$8$H$IfAkd"$$Ifl|)( t44 la NNNNN OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP PP P.P4P6PSSS`````ĵĵ|nfdfYfh`m5OJQJ\Uh`mOJQJh`mCJOJQJ^JaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJ%jh`mCJOJQJUaJh`m5CJOJQJ\aJh`m5CJOJQJaJ%jmh`mCJOJQJUaJjh`mCJOJQJUaJh`mCJOJQJaJ"OOOOOOOOOPP0P2P4PrAkdF$$Ifl|)( t44 la  $7$8$H$IfAkd$$Ifl|)( t44 la  4P6P8P:PPQQSSS`#`$`%`k`````$`a$$a$7$8$H$Akd$$Ifl|)( t44 la ____ EMPLOYEES SIGNATURE DATE __________________________________________ __________________________ SUPERVISORS SIGNATURE DATE DISTRIBUTION: Originating office must distribute, in confidential envelopes, as follows: Original Signed Copy Office of Human Resources Copies Employee Supervisor Second-line Supervisor     PAGE  PAGE 4 `````aa+a6aMaOaPaRaSaUaVaXaYabacadaoapaqa$a$&`#$ @ 7$8$H$^@ p7$8$H$^p`7$8$H$$a$``a"aLaMaNaPaQaSaTaVaWaYaZa`aaabadaeakalamanaoaqarasaýýýîýhx{0JmHnHuh`m h`m0Jjh`m0JUh"jh"Uh`mOJQJh`mCJOJQJ^JaJ h`m5CJOJQJ\^JaJqarasa @ 7$8$H$^@ +0/ =!"#$% FX|ΓS'P9~ۉoJFIFddDuckydAdobedR      !56781"423ce9 Qab#STdUfgwA$&VxWqRtv)y !1A2Qaq"34b5BR#Sd67rCcDt$TuvE8 ?(|=pΟDž9smv'զsQM&YPv(p8fL8f% ?wOtml5}fT#èVf Ӏ 8=<(㣣_sаս(b鰿ٶ&͎<ڽn(Ed @UQZ0=F߃l7G.q h{f_%(.f1X+]YH^1D\^=7GXd[W+,XD&e]9{2yv1> G\$S(0/MuvDUIlGV-_oТ-M umn*R>䳯B TD;CMfh1/LaՠtdCl <=b8,Ϙ g5ǾGMEX4$$<#c%@vTOV2jebX"3R0'=9:g(@C;:QmazW[H}2kP㶊kC Sb;KN4k٢gi%G3@M݅zDwު%`^<2Ł-]%66 ިC0S$mRqk8HUlAdxnUizpW$2=!T{:w*yU{+yp湖%B7'LHmfVQty) Q(/XprKqAS6ԆʖH@ *K6@pEOS8ho'*MHVƫD' :HTv'XG'+cg,r98=gDeSR({+ !ﭳip3/ֵ7".5Cy˽ZҦ:יOio0;iFrKrQ3ݵtk!J>E[' -ιj+k>ۚNEm2:JQ1Zj2J>f6>b%iVM$$G ǾA7L5]12k6tR(@.,e% e`j PAqh>Ό)>ᮯ!l=B^jRt4{ g$^JQ|qIW$S04aELֵa:w$i+Ps`Ux])'s7.rcױ^.ܙSvu9LwTY!=%OY}~yN4$ Db4[LYNuNz:>q cȼ˸;h.K*A} v>>y#Es&4HB3cL @zŭEBl4Nq& Ƨ6l -4,p| m{p0HfUDf4!F2I€Q`lEV8vzMQ'sp{j:@4Zf >L ypݎvQpocc5FA%AU!)Dp[$0vg#>+M#bsEymn$xU gluZ۞}ʕ+/s1?9{;<|~N﷠b]C5fC%Ԭw1SC7 ٧$ںa9A͝0~%S8O@\ZZ|_r;{~KsmGZ@BxS$9hu\Cn6i腫Y3;Dcr3 :N=_jtphKX|f(V?lD>5Jxj\wI 8ykO<9S6B#/5lLr%[^ætbu2q ;G閳lA9P@ *@*y8aT~6k|Vz-<")ӆٷ]p/ Nc&Q) s{Q_.4P6q A >ASO%OG5 Yα)afN}^bPhHD6*ަ&9D0gi8FzӋݿmk65-(n ʡA-7%)p8<>cwvOi %fqǑ{')pɲrb IK9j `"bm vb֟cy̷p$YK(%s]DCFe#O3J+TA(TJ t[7#aЄR3T>^ߋA^YtP^)68e8lB"*A;GH]Md:f) Ue48[G>M+X+>U* DvBANgoyZyx$//6,G-v,[lhU[MĄU0(Ս1ILRڅ^QU3gL0`M52B"+ɣ;ċe/xh]xgOf1etxYeݖDvnc^_n=p+lx+fNWldd:|.zh鸴ݨvJn[QC V`g[>Gf)&`!畇Ҵrffҫ~)?7'r.'͌+O;ށ]C5AwW帿/D<9I[9= ӮNR{{]GE fJNGγ9e6[$32܄ Ehf+ c,D!ݢ缯|:ؘR?ڇ{K-wVt cP(dfW*(u(A j\MIJu{ݮc*kȪD›RL"XLvVf7i. ӯĖd%Ir _"?fcsG~\d;UqȷotV,Oߥ0<<avc-ڭ^2r>OT'rKi1 z\&<*^tzFFW]"[ge*qp3Xԉ3RQ5^/'jQV !H#U0p>)J 's/n/  GWҙ4Y7u/㠼 ;9;iWt5^]>"tlrQ}G6SO):?Huag.^TiyQ.8W!ȡ f)r9 !`1D@0hz:TrB痻Wo\j{kRlm^"$)9)tӵwAoy>,sT::b}{8e@вQ]1s/+#7W|u֓1xͭٳjR-jV!Xe+jZB)|, ̷ccT("@Gp0-ɯꛏ\H㑤o ލ!ePH ###'p`HiMT(#M X_J $q$׷xnUnvRnͿzƯ,w,#~M[;V@;{#|@qoqϮ{ؑ ,$lzl"rtE U1Q;CVEϺ*8'?0/߼i~eԴTz2?Lgߙ&gƂU2,8+ondU%Ҭ8MT"% QH~f7}VѶ` ጑ C];_ʇκю(x\rעY)޹L)_}أ G>ޞ?͠q_9n;tchRmok5—DpWf \ xבTohYAh(uE\(~I PuMNVo%2@h0/lY+T*=-wK=>c Y'?u%&5Aַy_~ip]m.=?ý!;_tҗ;HpX864+w 5tx^Y:q.֣tSzJ'~̵1G"sf9l/}iŲtr~wD;H=;?ojjzx#NJ\ܲDOݍ/uY#~b_xWTl\ صP,jvJFզ`~:r1"j$F :b.Bdؑ9ϣ%j{2O .l}.;n]M 1ڍJ+AJlcϻrtw8u |lE F=z+e{S O<0]8ῴyZ͹a~(GLrUxe$q)}mQ3=?.ٔz&j#ғ񋁘Gzt EQ T*\JD-̒ωgH:cUZ~o{egI: XfA xRrV_nGƵkYY$řE}Yr䭙otHP/#!GyYݡiKm4esrH԰U\1brfg_T3TG/+.5w̩ v!؞GI%iiTQڄM*: fL>!>@bznNIm[ mD<ʍE`($o~&o{nIs dJA^Օhl֢NիF|bd;["t `; 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