Web Site Development on University Servers

Policy Information
Policy TitleWeb Site Development on University Servers
Responsible OfficeDivision of Communications and Marketing
Policy TypeInformation Technology and Information Security
Policy Number311
Last Revision Date3/12/2024

This policy applies to:

  • Official websites of °®¶¹´«Ã½ located on binghamton.edu, created and maintained to represent the university and conduct university business,
  • Faculty, staff, and academic, research and administrative units and
  • vendor websites conducting business on behalf of °®¶¹´«Ã½.


The online web presence of °®¶¹´«Ã½ plays a crucial role in fulfilling its purpose of education, research, creative endeavors, and community engagement. As a result, the web guidelines implemented by the institution set standards that will:

  • support the mission, vision, goals, and values of the university,
  • support web publishers in developing sites that comply with university rules and regulations, and local, state, and federal laws; and
  • facilitate the official business of the university and appropriate online transactions.


Website content must be kept up-to-date and technically accessible; sites should be reviewed in their entirety at a minimum of once every three months


  • Official Website: Websites created and maintained to represent the university and conduct university business. This includes websites for schools, colleges, academic units, programs, administrative divisions, administrative organizations, research centers and institutes, faculty profiles and faculty labs.
  • Personal Website: Websites created and maintained by faculty, staff, and students that are not used for official university-related purposes.

Policy Statement

Use of University Computing and Network Resources

All organizations and individuals creating and maintaining websites and web-based activities must comply with the Acceptable Use of °®¶¹´«Ã½ IT resources policy and all relevant university policies, procedures, and standards, and state and federal laws.

Official websites located on °®¶¹´«Ã½â€™s computing and network resources are limited to college, school, academic units, programs, administrative divisions, administrative organizations, research centers and institutes, faculty profiles and labs. Personal websites (see definitions) are prohibited.

Individuals and organizations that are not affiliated with the university are prohibited from hosting pages on the °®¶¹´«Ã½.edu domain. Exemptions to this policy may be considered when hosting a website that will serve the university's mission of teaching, research, creative work, and public service. Approval is required by the Vice President of Communications and Marketing.


Website Domains and URLs

  • University websites must be built (or based on) the University’s pre-defined templates and reside within the content management system (Omni CMS).
  • Official University websites must use the University domain (binghamton.edu). Communications and Marketing will determine the web address.
    • Domain masking and web address redirecting to off-domain websites are forbidden
    • Virtual hosts are restricted to university-wide applications (for example my.binghamton.edu, mycourses.binghamton.edu, bengaged.binghamton.edu)
    • Shortened marketing URLs for print pieces are available at the determination of Communications and Marketing (for example go.binghamon.edu/gradfair, go.binghamon.edu/lyme)
    • Communications and Marketing reserves the right to not refer websites off the binghamton.edu domain. The risks of building websites off the binghamton.edu domain include security, accessibility, data collection and privacy concerns.

Copyright and Trademarks

All digital publications must follow university and legal standards regarding copyright and trademarks. Web publishers must secure permission when including copyrighted or trademarked material such as text, photographs, audio, video, graphics, or company names or logos, and include a permission statement or disclaimer as required by the owner. Trademarked names, terms, and symbols may not be used in ways that may create consumer confusion or suggest that the trademark is endorsing a website. For more information on copyright and trademarks, see the .

Use of University Name, Seal, and Marks

The university's name, seal, logo, wordmark, and the Bearcat insignia are among the words and symbols that are trademarked by the University and protected by law. Use of trademarks must comply with the °®¶¹´«Ã½ Brand Standards for Websites and the °®¶¹´«Ã½ licensing Policy.

Website Content

University website editors must abide by the following:

  • Website content should represent the identity, voice and perspective of °®¶¹´«Ã½ University, keeping with visual and written style guidelines
  • Website content must be kept up-to-date and technically accessible; sites should be reviewed in their entirety at a minimum of once every three months
  • Academic offerings must be accurate and consistent with the Bulletin. Contact the Provost office if you have questions about current offerings


In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and university non-discrimination policies, all websites to the extent possible, must be made accessible to people with disabilities. If it is not possible, alternative methods must be made available to complete the same tasks. See Creating Accessible Web Content for campus guidelines concerning accessibility. In addition, all University websites, applications, and other digital content created or provided by the University and its agents or affiliates should follow the University’s policy on electronic and information technology (EIT) accessibility

Implied Endorsement

Links from a °®¶¹´«Ã½ page to any non-university site must not imply university endorsement of the site's products or services. If possible, this practice should be avoided.

Web Development Policies Applicable to Official Websites

Web Identity Standards

Official websites must comply with the Brand and design standards of °®¶¹´«Ã½. 

Student Information Disclosure

The disclosure of information about students must comply with Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines. The student accounts and registrar's website describes guidelines for release of student information under FERPA.


All websites must comply with all applicable laws and university policies governing personal privacy and the confidentiality of information, to protect both on- and off-campus users. Service agreements that outsource data processing activities to third-party vendors must ensure compliance with appropriate privacy and confidentiality regulations. Sites collecting personally identifiable information must link to the Privacy Statement.


Servers and applications must meet campus security standards and protect the privacy and security of personally identifiable and sensitive information. See the °®¶¹´«Ã½ University IT Security - Policy & Minimum Security Standards for policies and additional information.

Commercial Activities

Commercial activities on the web must comply with all university policies, including those on security, privacy, and financial business practices. Sites collecting personally identifiable information must link to the Privacy Statement. The Business Office has drawn up requirements and guidelines for university departments and units to be able to accept credit and debit cards in payment for the sale of goods and services. Refer to Office of Information Technology policies for information on IT Security.

Advertising and Corporate Support

To uphold the educational integrity of °®¶¹´«Ã½ websites and maintain the site’s main purpose, the advertisement and promotion of non-university products and services are strictly prohibited. Corporate support and gifts may be acknowledged on official university sites.

Web Development Policies Applicable to Personal Websites

The policy Acceptable Use of °®¶¹´«Ã½â€™s IT Resources clarifies the requirements, prohibitions, and procedures applicable to the use of °®¶¹´«Ã½â€™s computing and network resources. Its provisions, including Guidelines for Data Security and all relevant university policies, procedures, and standards, and state and federal laws, govern personal websites.

Personal websites are the responsibility of their authors. They must not convey the impression that the author is representing, giving opinions, or otherwise making statements on behalf of the university or any unit of the university. A disclaimer must be included unless it is clear from the context that an author is not representing views of the university. Personal websites (see definitions) are prohibited from using the official University name, seal, and marks that imply University endorsement or ownership.


Any person who uses °®¶¹´«Ã½â€™s computing and network resources in violation of federal, state, or university law or policy is subject to loss of privileges, disciplinary action, personal liability, and/or criminal prosecution.

The university may block access to or remove a network connection that is endangering computing and/or network resources, or that is being used for inappropriate or illegal use.

University Communications, ITS, and The Business Office will, when appropriate, work with other university offices such as the Office of Judicial Affairs (in cases involving students), the °®¶¹´«Ã½ Police Department, deans and directors, and others to enforce this policy.

Related Information


Division of Communications and Marketing
Gregory Delviscio
Vice President of Communications and Marketing