Property Control - State Buildings (including State, Research Foundation, °®¶¹´«Ã½ Foundation, and Auxiliary Services)

Policy Information
Policy TitleProperty Control - State Buildings (including State, Research Foundation, °®¶¹´«Ã½ Foundation, and Auxiliary Services)
Responsible OfficeOffice of the Vice President for Operations
Policy TypeFacilities and Property
Policy Number401
Last Revision Date7/5/2023


A. State University of New York (SUNY) Property Control System (PCS) was developed by SUNY-Central Administration to provide uniformity in property accountability throughout the SUNY system, and to be in conformity with regulations as promulgated by the State University Construction Fund (SUCF), the Division of Budget (DOB), and the Office of the State Controller (OSC).

B. These procedures are to provide guidance for °®¶¹´«Ã½ and its departments, including the Research Foundation, °®¶¹´«Ã½ Foundation, and Auxiliary Services, in establishing and maintaining accountability over equipment as required by governing agencies. Specifically, this procedure shall: 

1. Establish objectives and standards of equipment control.
2. Improve accountability to provide better security, utilization, maintenance, and disposal of equipment.
3. Provide a basis for projecting and budgeting future capital replacement and other needs to meet academic standards and objectives of °®¶¹´«Ã½.

Definitions for Inventory Purposes

A. Campus Property Control Officer (PCO): Individual appointed by the Vice President for Operations who has responsibility for campus adherence to the established SUNY Property Control Procedures.

B. Property Control Custodian (PCC): Individual designated to be responsible for Group III (movable) equipment assigned to them. The PCC will be designated by the respective Departmental Chair or Director.

C. Research Foundation Project Director (RFPD): Individual who is responsible for specific sponsored projects administered through the Research Foundation of the State University of New York. This individual is accountable for all equipment purchased from their sponsor project.

D. Research Foundation Operations Manager: The RF Operations Manager has responsibility for campus adherence to the established Research Foundation and or sponsor Property Control Guidelines as well as authorization for transfer or disposal of RF property.

E. Department: Administrative level within °®¶¹´«Ã½ to which the equipment is assigned.

F. Eligible Equipment (Subject to Inventory): 

1. State Purchased Equipment (including equipment purchased with a combination of State and non-State funds, and Auxiliary Services funds): all equipment that has a value of $5,000 or more and has a useful life expectancy of more than one year.
2. Research Foundation Purchased Equipment: all equipment with a value of $5,000 or more.
3. °®¶¹´«Ã½ Foundation: °®¶¹´«Ã½ Foundation Agency Accounts will use a value of $5,000 or more. Once purchased, legal ownership of equipment is classified as State University of New York at °®¶¹´«Ã½ (°®¶¹´«Ã½).
4. Legal ownership of equipment is classified as either State University of New York at °®¶¹´«Ã½ (°®¶¹´«Ã½), Research Foundation and/or Sponsor Owned Equipment. However, University offices and departments are to be held responsible and accountable for respective equipment, much like an owner. All equipment that has any State funding included in the acquisition will be treated as a State asset.
5. Equipment purchases from the State Capital Budget, State Operating Budget, Research Foundation, °®¶¹´«Ã½ Foundation, Federal, Endowment, Income Reimbursable, Loans, Equipment Replacement, or mixed sources or other funds, and equipment received as gifts or grants, are to be included.

G. Utilization of Equipment: If equipment is assigned to a department, it is assumed it has a function of being regularly utilized. Equipment that is not in use due to obsolescence or condition should be declared surplus by the department. Notification should be made to the PCO, or the Sponsored Fund Administration for Research Foundation equipment. This will facilitate the utilization of equipment elsewhere on campus, or the proper disposition of the equipment.

H. Condition of Equipment: For purposes of these procedures, the following condition definitions shall apply: 

1. Excellent: Relatively new equipment in no need of repair.
2. Good: Equipment is operable and currently being utilized by department.
3. Fair: Equipment is operable and being utilized by department, but subject to wear and tear, or in need of modest repair.
4. Poor: Equipment is no longer operable and is not being utilized by department.
5. Obsolete/surplus: Equipment is in reasonably good condition, but no longer needed by department.
6. Scrap: Equipment is of no value, including cannibalized items. Needs to be disposed.

I. Startup Equipment: Equipment provided to an individual or department at the commencement of employment or program, are the property and under the ownership of the purchasing entity (i.e., State, Research Foundation, etc.).

J. Trade-In: Generally, State equipment, Research Foundation, and °®¶¹´«Ã½ Foundation equipment may be traded in for replacement equipment. In doing so, it is important to discuss this possibility, prior to the trade-in, with the Campus Business Office and/or Research Foundation Sponsored Funds office.


A. The PCO is responsible for administering the campus-wide Property Control System (PCS).

B. The Department and Sponsored Funds Administration will be responsible for adherence to established internal departmental procedures pertaining to the campus PCS, including the annual inventory process.

C. The Department and RFPD are responsible for all equipment assigned to the department or project, and will assist the PCO in administering the PCS.

D. System of equipment identification shall be to affix a tag with an asset number to each item of eligible equipment. The tag will be utilized to identify ownership, department assignment, and other data necessary for proper inventory control. The inventory tagging process for equipment eligible for inclusion in the PCS will be conducted by the PCO.

E. The department is responsible for insuring that a °®¶¹´«Ã½ ownership tag is affixed on equipment costing $2,500.00-$4,999.99 and equipment costing less than $2,500 that is at risk for theft or loss or used off campus. Ownership tags will be supplied by the PCO upon request or may be issued by the department.

F. The campus must take a complete physical inventory of all eligible equipment every year, for the express purpose of verifying and updating the existing inventory records. The PCC and RFPD will assist the PCO in this inventory process. 

G. Departments will be responsible for all eligible equipment not located during the physical inventory. A report will be prepared by the PCO after the inventory, identifying all equipment not located. Each department PCC and RFPD must then report the status of the unlocated equipment, within four weeks of the date of the report, to the PCO. For equipment not located, the PCO will forward a status report to the appropriate Dean and/or Department Chair, campus Senior Administration, the Department of New York State University Police, the Director of Internal Audit, and Sponsored Funds Administration for Research Foundation owned equipment for further review. Equipment not located will be flagged for re-inventory and ultimately reported as lost or stolen and removed from the PCS.

H. Physical movement of eligible equipment must follow proper procedures as identified under Section IV below.

I. SUNY's Real Asset Management (RAM) system will be utilized to maintain campus inventory records for eligible assets. The PCO will be responsible for the appropriate data input to SUNY's RAM system. Departments are responsible for maintaining their own inventory records for equipment under $5,000, ensuring assets valued at $5,000 or more are tagged and notifying the PCO of any changes to the status of eligible equipment.

Specific Procedures

The following procedures provide the department PCC or RFPD with specific guidelines
regarding the movement and inventory of eligible equipment. The processing of the noted form
allows the PCO to update the inventory record, provide an authorized pass to departmental
personnel for temporary loan or repair of equipment, and assist the PCC or RFPD in maintaining
an accurate record of equipment condition and location.

A. New Equipment:

     1. All new eligible equipment valued at $5,000 or more as defined above must be placed on the campus inventory system. The PCO will monitor the Property Control dashboard in BI to identify eligible State equipment purchases with 7200-7399 sub-object codes and those from the Equipment phase of State University Construction Fund projects.  Supporting documentation such as invoices and quotes will be requested from Purchasing, Accounts Payable, the purchaser, or vendor as necessary.  The Sponsored Funds Administration and °®¶¹´«Ã½ Foundation offices will forward copies of invoices for qualifying equipment purchases made through their respective business systems.  Based on this documentation, the PCO will arrange for the tagging of eligible equipment.  The PCC or RFPD should assist the PCO in locating and gaining access to the equipment. If eligible equipment has not been tagged and the PCC has not been contacted within 60 days of receipt of the equipment, the PCC should notify the PCO to ensure the equipment is tagged and added to the campus inventory system on a timely basis.

     2. For equipment under the $5,000 threshold, upon request, departments will be provided with University ownership tags from the PCO upon request. Departments will be responsible for the utilization and control of items between $2,500 and $4,999.99 and equipment under $2,500 that is at high risk for loss or theft.

B. Equipment Transfer Within Same Department and Building: When transferring equipment within a department, the PCC or RFPD must complete a "Transfer /Disposal of Equipment Form (Form A)" or RF "Property Status Change Request (PSCR)" and submit it to the PCO or RFOM. Upon an employee's separation from °®¶¹´«Ã½ University, a Form A must be submitted to transfer any equipment assigned to that individual to a new PCC. In addition to submitting the Form A, departments shall maintain records of all internal equipment transfers.

C. Equipment Transfer Between Departments or Buildings: When moving equipment from one building or department to another, the PCC or RFPD must complete a Form A or PSCR. In addition to submitting the Form A, both departments shall maintain records of such transfers.

D. Equipment on Loan or Routinely Transferred: When equipment is on loan for off-campus use, including routinely transferred equipment such as laptops and field equipment, the PCC or RFPD must complete a Form A or PSCR and an Equipment Loan Form. Although the loan is a temporary transaction, SUNY policies direct the campus to amend the PCS to reflect the off-campus location of the asset. A copy of the Equipment Loan Form must be kept with the piece of equipment. New York State University Police officers are authorized to confiscate any University-owned equipment in the possession of a person when not accompanied by a signed Equipment Loan Form.  Departments shall verify any equipment leaving campus has an asset or ownership tag identifying it as °®¶¹´«Ã½ or Research Foundation property and maintain records of all equipment on loan or routinely transferred off campus.

E. Trade-in: The Campus Business Office and/or Research Foundation Sponsored Funds Office should be consulted prior to making trade-in arrangements of existing equipment toward new equipment. A Form A or RFOM must be submitted and the inventory tag must be removed by the PCO before the equipment physically leaves campus.

F. Surplus/Permanent Disposal: When equipment is no longer in use by the department or RFPD, or is damaged, inoperative, or obsolete, the PCC or RFPD must complete a Form A or PSCR. The PCO will make the equipment available to other departments or SUNY campuses, turn it over to the Office of General Services State Surplus Property Program, through which it may be made available to other state agencies, local municipalities, or sold at auction, or dispose of it through appropriate channels. 

Under no circumstances should State, Research Foundation, or °®¶¹´«Ã½ Foundation property be sold, donated, removed, or discarded by
departmental personnel or RFPD, regardless of value or condition without authorization from the PCO or RFOM.

G. Lost or Stolen: When equipment is believed to be either lost or stolen, the PCC or RFPD must immediately notify New York State University Police, the Dean and/or Department Chair, and the PCO or RFOM and complete a Form A. The PCO must report all lost or stolen equipment to the Office of the New York State Comptroller and that of equipment over $1,000 to the University Controller’s Office.


Form A — "Transfer/Disposal of Equipment" (/property-control/form-a.html)
Research Foundation Property Status Change Request
Off-Campus Equipment Use Authorization Form