Recruitment and Appointment of Academic Employees

Policy Information
Policy TitleRecruitment and Appointment of Academic Employees
Responsible OfficeHuman Resources & Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Policy TypePersonnel and Payroll
Policy Number604
Last Revision Date10/3/2023

Processing of Faculty Appointments/Offer Letters

Once recruitment has occurred and a successful candidate identified, upon completion of the final paperwork with the Affirmative Action (form III), and assurances from the Office of Human Resources that the line to be used is approved, an offer letter should be sent from the Dean of the school on behalf of the President per the Human Resources' offer letter templates. Sample offer letters are provided to departments by the Human Resources Office to ensure that they meet contractual and state policy requirements. The offer letter, sent by the Dean on behalf of the President, should include the following attachments: An oath of office card, an acknowledgement card, a reprint of the and reference to where the may be accessed for review. Copies of the Agreement will be provided to the new faculty person upon arrival to the University by the local UUP chapter. The terms and conditions of employment as outlined in the offer letter are critical to both the employee and the University.

Please note that 10-month faculty hired on January 1 will receive nine (9) regular biweekly checks (January through April) followed by eight (8) at half pay (May through August). These checks will total 50% of a full academic year's salary. The 10-month faculty standard payroll cycle of September 1 through August 31 at full pay will resume following the eight (8) checks at half pay. Please see policy 605 for more details.

To accept the offer, the prospective employee must sign and date the acceptance on the copy of the offer letter and return it to the designated person in either the department or dean’s office, along with signed paperwork. It is critical that the prospective employee also understand the need to complete required paperwork in the Office of Human Resources within their first few days at the University, including tax forms and an I-9 form. An I-9 form is federally required and confirms an individual's employment eligibility and identity. It must be filed within the first three days of employment or the person cannot be placed on the University’s payroll.

Once the individual has accepted the offer, the appropriate HR form must be completed and routed to Human Resources. That HR Form is then received by the HR office and processed into the SUNY system and other required systems. Additional documents that should accompany new appointments include a copy of the faculty person’s vita and other supportive documentation as deemed relevant.

The employee should seek assistance in the Human Resources Office regarding what required paperwork must be completed, including tax forms, a new I-9 form, etc. A person who is being reappointed to a faculty appointment should seek information regarding accruals earned when they were employed previously. The Office of Human Resources can notify the person whether their accruals will continue from when they were previously employed with the University. Human Resources can also inform the person about their accruals as they relate to benefits such as retirement.


Victoria Metritikas, Assistant Director of Human Resources, 607-777-6613
Vicki Griffin, Senior Staff Associate to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and Office Manager, 607-777-2141