previousFebruary 24nextMonday, February 24All DayAPPLY FOR THE EDUCATION MINOR!!! 8:00 AMCrashing Test Cars 8:30 AMCCE Day of Service at CHOW 9:00 AMSSD Open Study, Bartle Library Edition10:00 AMUnderstanding the Bias Response System 12:00 PMChina Care Sticker Sale12:00 PMBUJA Okonomiyaki Event12:00 PMBMES Bake Sale in Breezeway12:00 PMI, Too, Am Study Abroad: Perspectives and Experiences with Identity (virtual student panel)12:00 PMOperation Thank You12:00 PMSt. Josephs Nursing Information Table 12:00 PMTabling for the Hostages12:00 PMSpanish Table12:15 PMESURC Monday Office Hours 1:00 PMAsk Me Anything: Studying Abroad in Florence and/or Scholarships 1:00 PM Education Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 2:00 PMIt's Real: College Students & Mental Health 2:30 PMGilman Scholarship Workshop 2:30 PMDecker College Graduation Preparation Fair 3:00 PMLadies' Devos 3:00 PMWomen's Prayer 4:00 PMLaw School Applications Info Session 4:00 PMMen's Devos 5:00 PMMentorship Program Acceptance Meeting & Mentor-Mentee Match up #1 5:00 PMHillel Crafting Night 5:00 PMFinancial Modeling Workshop 5:00 PMUnderclassmen Bible Study 5:30 PMChem Club Trivia 5:30 PMBamboo Blessings 5:30 PMCollege Democrats General Body Meetings 6:00 PMWriting in the World Talk Series: Authors and Editors 6:15 PMBlack Campus Ministry 6:15 PMBing YDSA General Body Meeting 6:30 PMPoetry Club Meeting ! <3 6:30 PMCallanan Industries 7:00 PMTie Dye TShirts for Rare Disease Week! 7:00 PMHeart to Heart 7:00 PMMocktails & Mingle 7:00 PMTURCA x DDP Alumni Event 7:00 PMMirror Painting and Mocktails 7:00 PMPatchwork Painting and Coloring 7:00 PM?Bring Home a Non-Black Partner? GB 7:00 PMCharcuterie Box Making with BAH X Cheese Club 7:30 PMPotluck with Uncommon Grounds 7:30 PMQueer of Fortune 7:45 PMOlami JHealth Mcat trivia 8:00 PMSexual Health and Sundaes with B Healthy 8:00 PMPTCAS/OTCAS Introduction and Resume Reviews 8:00 PMBaja SAE Full TeamTuesday, February 25All DayAPPLY FOR THE EDUCATION MINOR!!!