Guidelines for using classrooms
As a part of using the room, I agree to the following conditions:
- Stackable chairs and tables can be moved within the room. Any furniture that is moved must be returned to its original configuration at the end of the reservation time. Guests may not remove furniture from the room. A/V cabinets and consoles cannot be moved from their fixed locations. We have other events that use the facility as classrooms.
- If an event is for more than one day, please remove all belongings at the end of each day.
- Wipe down tables.
- Wipe down whiteboards (if used).
- We would prefer that food/drink not be consumed in our classrooms. However, events can be catered by using °®¶¹´«Ã½ Dining Services' Catering Office - Sodexo. No outside food or beverages are to be brought into reserved facilities. It is the sole responsibility of the sponsoring department or organization to provide these arrangements and ensure appropriate clean up by the catering service after the event.
- Dispose of waste properly; make sure to place recyclables in recycling bins and non-recyclable garbage in trash cans.
- For your convenience, the classrooms are equipped with internet connectivity. Please do not disconnect any cables, i.e. laptop, speakers, VCR/DVD player.
- Turn off all lights and close classroom doors after use.
- There may be no more attendees than the seats in the classroom.
- Each department is responsible for any repair costs or damage, beyond reasonable wear, to the facilities reserved.
- I have read and understand all the terms and conditions of reserving facilities use as outlined in the Center for Innovative & Continuing Education Classroom Facilities Use Policy. Before leaving the room, I agree to abide by all terms, conditions, rules and regulations, and I understand that I may be held responsible for any additional charges incurred. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in termination of future reservations of this classroom.