DNP Student Handbook

Decker School of Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Student Handbook

The Decker School of Nursing (DSON) in °®¶¹´«Ã½'s Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences reserves the right to amend or alter the content of this handbook at any time.

All policies were reviewed and approved by the DNP Committee in August 2021. 

Table of Contents

DNP Program Goals

The DNP program at the Decker School of Nursing provides students with the education, experiences and skills to do the following (end-of-program objectives are shown after each goal):

  • Employ high-level consultative and leadership skills with intraprofessional and interprofessional committees to create change in healthcare and complex healthcare delivery systems. II, V, VI, VII

  • Function in an academic culture and organizational structure that supports clinical scholarship for robust experiential-learning opportunities. III, VIII

  • Improve patient care and transformation of healthcare through information systems and technology. III, IV

  • Implement and evaluate a content-sensitive clinical-practice guideline to improve healthcare practice and/or policy outcomes for diverse patient populations, including those who are vulnerable and/or live in rural areas, I, III, IV, V, VIII

  • Complete a DNP project that meets the criteria of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice, emphasizing clinical leadership and advocacy for ethical, social and healthcare regulation. III, IV, V, VIII

DNP Academic Advisor Role

The DNP academic advisor: 

  1. schedules regular meetings to review the student's academic program of study
  2. meets with the student about program progression and completion of degree requirements
  3. assists students with resolving academic dilemmas per University policies

Note: The DNP academic advisor may change when the student selects his/her/their DNP Scholarly Project committee and chair in NURS 651.

DNP Essentials, Competencies and Program Outcomes 

A task force of the published Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies in 2011 with revisions in 2016 (NONPF, 2016). This document identifies the entry-level competencies for all nurse practitioners (NPs) completing the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)/practice doctorate program. These competencies are built on the core and population-focused competencies for NPs (see Appendix).

The American Association of Colleges of Nurses (AACN) developed the (AACN, 2006). The Essentials document outlines and defines the eight foundational DNP Essentials and provides introductory comments on specialty competencies/content. The specialized content, as defined by specialty organizations, complements the core content areas defined by the DNP Essentials and constitutes the major component of DNP programs. DNP curricula should include these two components as appropriate to the specific advanced nursing practice specialist being prepared. Additionally, the faculty of each DNP program has the academic freedom to create innovative and integrated curricula to meet the competencies outlined in the Essentials document.

AACN DNP Essentials and DSON DNP program objectives



ESSENTIAL I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice

OBJECTIVE I: Develops new practice approaches based on theory and scientific evidence to transform healthcare delivery and improve health outcomes for diverse patient populations, including those who are vulnerable or live in rural areas.
ESSENTIAL II: Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking OBJECTIVE II: Enacts leadership, management and communication skills within complex healthcare systems to ensure the delivery of safe, effective, ethical and fiscally responsible quality care in order to improve patient outcomes.
ESSENTIAL III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice OBJECTIVE III: Evaluates implementation of evidence-based quality improvement initiatives that address practice patterns, healthcare organizations and variances in health outcomes in order to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable and patient-centered care.
ESSENTIAL IV: Information Systems/Technology and Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Healthcare OBJECTIVE IV: Constructs methods for assessing outcomes of care, care systems and quality improvement initiatives using healthcare information systems and patient care technology while honoring the ethical and legal protections related to personal health information and health communications.
ESSENTIAL V: Healthcare Policy for Advocacy in Healthcare OBJECTIVE V: Formulates evidence-based and consumer-oriented nursing and health policies that encompass equity and social justice at the institutional, local, state and/or federal levels.
ESSENTIAL VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes OBJECTIVE VI: Employs collaborative and consultative leadership skills, using effective verbal and written communication skills, to resolve complex practice problems and organizational issues through development and implementation of practice models, peer review, practice guidelines, health policy, standards of care and/or other scholarly works.
ESSENTIAL VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health OBJECTIVE VII: Collaborates with the healthcare committee to ensure the provision of evidence-based, culturally sensitive clinical prevention and population health services for individuals, aggregates and populations based on the analysis of epidemiological, biostatistical and environmental data.
ESSENTIAL VIII: Advanced Nursing Practice OBJECTIVE VIII: Delivers comprehensive, evidence-based nursing care within their chosen area of specialization, demonstrating advanced levels of clinical judgment, understanding of health systems and healthcare policy, and adapted to meet the needs of diverse clients in order to improve patient outcomes.
  OBJECTIVE IX: Demonstrates accountability for personal and professional conduct exemplifying core nursing values and ethical behaviors, and consistent with the legal scope and standards of practice.

Program/Curriculum Plans

Sample curriculum plans for the DNP program are posted on the DNP program webpage

Course Descriptions

See the (formerly, the Bulletin) for the most up-to-date course descriptions.

Learn more about continuous registration.

DNP Scholarly Project

The DNP program prepares advanced practice nurses who apply current research in evaluating practice and implementing clinical innovations to change practice. The implementation of evidence-based research in clinical practice is the foundation of clinical scholarship.

Dreher (1999, p.26) describes clinical scholarship as the process of challenging traditional nursing interventions, testing our ideas, predicting outcomes and explaining both patterns and exceptions. In addition to observation, analysis and synthesis, clinical scholarship includes application and dissemination, all of which result in a new understanding of nursing phenomena and the development of new knowledge.

The DNP Scholarly Project is designed to meet the criteria of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice. The DNP Scholarly Project should include planning, implementation and evaluation components.

All DNP Scholarly Projects should:

  • Focus on a change that impacts healthcare outcomes, either through direct or indirect care
  • Have systems (micro-, meso- or macro-level) or population/aggregate focus
  • Demonstrate implementation in the appropriate arena or area of practice
  • Include an evaluation of processes and outcomes (formative or summative)
  • Include a plan for sustainability (e.g., financial, systems or political realities, not only theoretical abstractions
  • Provide a foundation for future practice scholarship

The DNP Scholarly Project must also meet the following criteria developed by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF) to meet the competencies of the practice doctorate:

  1. The project is related to advanced practice in the nursing specialty and benefits a group, population or community rather than an individual patient.
    • Often arises from clinical practice
    • May be done in partnership with another entity: clinical agency, school, health department, church, government, voluntary organization or community group, etc.
  2. The project leadership may be solo or collaborative, depending on the scope of the project and university requirements.
  3. The scholarly project addresses identified needs, (healthcare policy and/or clinical practice issues).
  4. The literature review suggests an evidence base for the project or supports the need for the project.
  5. Description of the innovation is adequate for others to use (essential components for success, cost, etc).
  6. A systematic approach is used and data are collected using methods and tools that meet accepted standards.
  7. Expected outcomes are defined and measured (quality improvement, cost savings, etc.)
  8. The project is conducted according to ethical principles.
  9. Dissemination modes are (is) a professional and public (peer review is included) demonstration of the student's scholarly project.

Read the .

DNP Scholarly Project Courses

The DNP curriculum includes three scholarly project courses:

  • NURS 651: DNP Scholarly Project I (3 credits/120 clinical hours)
  • NURS 652: DNP Scholarly Project II (3 credits/120 clinical hours)
  • NURS 653: DNP Scholarly Project III (3 credits/120 clinical hours)

DNP Scholarly Project Exemplars

Patient care outcomes

  1. Development of evidence-based practice guidelines
  2. Development and/or evaluation of care models or patient-care programs to address health promotion and/or disease prevention
  3. Evaluate peer-led support groups and measure outcomes
  4. Promote patient safety with the implantation of medication-administration program and measured outcomes
  5. Develop and/or evaluate informational technology's impact on care related to patient's transfer of care
  6. Develop and/or evaluate protocols that integrate technology in patient assessments within a specific setting

Healthcare policy

  1. Analysis of organization, state or national policy and the development, implementation or revision of policy that affects patient care outcomes
  2. Evaluate facility policies for the treatment of chronic pain and compare with national guidelines
  3. Evaluate high-risk patient populations and develop plans for risk-reduction related to policy changes
  4. Evaluate employer policies regarding employee health and potential cost-savings of new policies
  5. Evaluate and/or develop evidence-based policies related to high-risk vulnerable populations
  6. Develop and/or evaluate policy and protocols that integrate technology in patient assessments 

Timeline for Scholarly Project Completion

The progression of assignments in the scholarly courses is presented here.

  • Scholarly I: NURS 651 (spring semester)
    Chapter 1


    to be completed and submitted for review by week 2

    Problem statement

    to be completed and submitted for review by week 4

    Purpose of the Scholarly Project

    to be completed and submitted by week 5

    Clinical question (PICOT question)

    to be completed and submitted by week 7

    Conceptual/theoretical framework

    to be completed and submitted by week 7

    Chapter 2

    Review of the literature

    to be completed and submitted by week 9

    Target population

    to be completed and submitted by week 10


    to be completed and submitted by week 10

  • Scholarly II: NURS 652 (fall semester)
    Chapter 3

    to be completed and submitted by week 1


    to be completed and submitted by week 2

    IRB submission and approval

    to be completed by week 4

    Intervention and data collection

    to be completed and submitted by week 15

  • Scholarly III: NURS 653 (spring semester)
    Chapter 4

    to be completed and submitted by week 5

    Chapter 5

    to be completed and submitted by week 7


    to be completed and submitted by week 7

At the conclusion of the DNP Scholarly Project, students will defend their thesis and prepare for dissemination of their completed written project. Dissemination will be via PowerPoint or poster presentation. All students will be expected to write a query letter for publication in a peer-reviewed journal at the completion of their written DNP Scholarly Project and after all requirements have been met for the completion of Scholarly III.

DNP Scholarly Project Committee

The DNP Scholarly Project Committee facilitates the process of clinical scholarship for the doctoral student. Students are encouraged to secure committee members during the first DNP course, NURS 651. The DNP Scholarly Project Committee must be composed of doctorally prepared faculty members and one outside healthcare mentor. Students must obtain committee members' signatures on a DSON document titled "DNP Doctoral Committee." See an example of this form in the .

  • Committee chair: The committee must be chaired or co-chaired by a doctorally prepared DSON tenured or tenure-track faculty member.
  • Other members: Other members of the committee may be junior faculty supervised by the tenured faculty member(s) and/or clinical experts who add to the scholarship of the project. The role of the other committee members in the arena of the student area of inquiry is to facilitate the student’s Scholarly Project with the knowledge and resources within a specialty area. Specialty areas may include, but are not limited to: community health, pediatrics, women's health, family practice, palliative care, family psychiatric mental health and adult-geriatrics. One of the committee members may be an organizational mentor outside the University to aid in the navigation of resources within a community/population for the implementation of the DNP Scholarly Project.

Pre-Award Compliance System (PACS)

The Pre-Award Compliance System (PACS) is an integrated, electronic system that provides investigators with a single portal for grant-proposal development, submission and award acceptance, and protocol preparation, submission, review and approval.

DNP Scholarly Project Guide

  • The report must conform to APA standards for style.
  • Title Page: States the title of the project and the author, and provides for committee members to acknowledge approval by signature
  • Acknowledgments: Allows student to thank and acknowledge individuals or institutions
  • Table of Contents page
  • List of Tables
  • List of Figures
  • Executive Summary: Summary of the entire project
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices

Details on chapters are presented here:

  • Chapter 1. Problem statement

    Address the specific clinical or policy issue. The outline for this chapter usually includes the following: Introduction, Problem Statement, Conceptual/Theoretical Framework and Purpose and Objectives of the Project, but may vary according to the DNP Scholarly Committee chair and members. Documentation of the existence and scope of the problem and the effects on individuals and the health system is presented. Provide any definition of terms. Describe a conceptual framework that will be used to clarify the issue and its resolution. This framework should be used to guide your project thesis.

  • Chapter 2: Review of the literature

    Review all pertinent literature related to documentation of the issue/problem, its historical development, any attempts/interventions to address the issue and outcomes related to resolution of the problem. Identify levels of evidence of literature. Use your conceptual framework to organize your literature review.

  • Chapter 3: Plan for resolution

    Describe in detail your plan for addressing the issue/problem. Identify the process and methods for developing your project and collecting information. Describe the targeted population, the process for obtaining Human Subjects Research Review Committee approval, if required, data collection instruments and/or interventions used in the plan. Provide documentation of the latter in the appendix.

  • Chapter 4: Outcome/evaluation

    Describe in detail the outcomes of the plan for resolution, including any actual or potential impacts on individuals, the healthcare delivery system or agency. When appropriate provide outcome data. If a product was created (such as a teaching plan or community-intervention plan) it should be described here and included in the appendix. If the outcome is a media presentation, a copy should be provided and retained by the Decker School of Nursing.

  • Chapter 5: Summary (conclusions, recommendations for future action)

    Provide a brief summary of the project and its outcomes. Describe any conclusions that can be drawn from the process and outcomes of project and discuss vis-à-vis (with regard to) the literature review. Describe any recommendations for future action to address the issue or its resolution.

Students are expected to meet the requirements for each DNP Clinical Practicum to progress with their project. Each student will be evaluated for progression within their clinical site by relevant faculty.

Required DNP Scholarly Project Dissemination

Upon completion of DNP Scholarly Project and Practicums I–III, NURS 651, 652, 653, and 650 or 655, the DNP student must successfully complete the Scholarly Project Dissemination to be eligible for graduation. The oral presentation (using PowerPoint or via other digital media) will take place at the Decker School of Nursing. The defense will be open to the public. All committee members are expected to be in attendance. Practice mentors and stakeholders are encouraged to attend, and invitations will be sent by the Graduate Program Office.

All DNP presentations must be scheduled ahead of time in coordination with the DNP Committee chairperson, DNP Committee members and graduate program director. The presentation will be posted on the DSON calendar and will be publicized throughout the Decker School of Nursing. The dissemination will be facilitated by the DNP Committee chair. The student candidate will present a 30-minute explanation of his/her/their project, after which the DNP Committee chairperson will open the floor for questions/discussion from the DNP Committee and audience. A written evaluation with recommendations, as appropriate, will be provided to the student. All members of the DNP Committee will sign the DNP Scholarly Project Evaluation Form. A copy must be submitted to the graduate program director.

Dissemination of the DNP Scholarly Project

DNP students are encouraged to disseminate findings publicly. Dissemination of the project may include:

  • Presentation of a poster at a regional, state or national conference
  • Podium presentation at a regional, state or national conference
  • A journal publication

The chairperson or member of a scholarly committee may assist the DNP student/graduate with choice of dissemination options. The DNP student/graduate is to be first author of manuscripts.

DNP Advancement-to-Candidacy Form

Advancement-to-candidacy submitted by the DSON Graduate Program Office occurs only after chapters 1, 2 and 3 have been successfully written and approved by the student's DNP Committee chair AND after the student has obtained IRB approval. This must be completed by week 4 of NURS 652.

Checklist for Completion of DNP Degree Requirements

DNP students are responsible for reviewing and meeting all items outlined in the Graduate School Manual Checklist for Completion of Degree Requirements. Students must also confirm that their department has submitted the Recommendation for Advancement to Candidacy and that their DNP Committee has been approved by the Graduate School.


  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) (2006) .
  • Dreher, M. (1999). . Clinical Scholarship Resources Paper, (pp. 26–33).
  • (NONPF) (2016). Nurse practitioner core competencies.

Appendix: NONPF 2016 Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies

The following competencies are from (2016, pp. 3–5).

Scientific foundation competencies

  1. Critically analyzes data and evidence for improving advanced nursing practice.
  2. Integrates knowledge from the humanities and sciences within the context of nursing science.
  3. Translates research and other forms of knowledge to improve practice processes and outcomes.
  4. Develops new practice approaches based on the integration of research, theory and practice knowledge.

Leadership competencies

  1. Assumes complex and advanced leadership roles to initiate and guide change.
  2. Provides leadership to foster collaboration with multiple stakeholders (e.g. patients, community, integrated healthcare committees and policy makers) to improve healthcare.
  3. Demonstrates leadership that uses critical and reflective thinking.
  4. Advocates for improved access, quality and cost-effective healthcare.
  5. Advances practice through the development and implementation of innovations incorporating principles of change.
  6. Communicates practice knowledge effectively, both orally and in writing.
  7. Participates in professional organizations and activities that influence advanced-practice nursing and/or health outcomes of a population focus.

Quality competencies

  1. Uses best available evidence to continuously improve quality of clinical practice.
  2. Evaluates the relationships among access, cost, quality and safety, and their influences on healthcare.
  3. Evaluates how organizational structure, care processes, financing, marketing and policy decisions impact the quality of healthcare.
  4. Applies skills in peer review to promote a culture of excellence.
  5. Anticipates variations in practice and is proactive in implementing interventions to ensure quality.

Practice inquiry competencies

  1. Provides leadership in the translation of new knowledge into practice.
  2. Generates knowledge from clinical practice and patient outcomes.
  3. Applies clinical investigative skills to improve health outcomes.
  4. Leads practice inquiry, individually or in partnership with others.
  5. Disseminates evidence from inquiry to diverse audiences using multiple modalities.
  6. Analyzes clinical guidelines for individualized application into practice.

Technology and information literacy competencies

  1. Integrates appropriate technologies for knowledge management to improve healthcare.
  2. Translates technical and scientific health information appropriate for various users' needs.
    1. Assesses the patient's and caregiver's educational needs to provide effective, personalized healthcare.
    2. Coaches the patient and caregiver for positive behavioral change.
  3. Demonstrates information literacy skills in complex decision making.
  4. Contributes to the design of clinical information systems that promote safe, quality and cost-effective care.
  5. Uses technology systems that capture data on variables for the evaluation of nursing care.

Policy competencies

  1. Demonstrates an understanding of the interdependence of policy and practice.
  2. Advocates for ethical policies that promote access, equity, quality and cost.
  3. Analyzes ethical, legal and social factors influencing policy development.
  4. Contributes in the development of health policy.
  5. Analyzes the implications of health policy across disciplines.
  6. Evaluates the impact of globalization on healthcare policy development.

Health delivery system competencies

  1. Applies knowledge of organizational practices and complex systems to improve healthcare delivery.
  2. Effects healthcare change using broad based skills including negotiating, consensus-building and partnering.
  3. Minimizes risk to patients and providers at the individual and systems levels.
  4. Facilitates the development of healthcare systems that address the needs of culturally diverse populations, providers and other stakeholders.
  5. Evaluates the impact of healthcare delivery on patients, providers, other stakeholders and the environment.
  6. Analyzes organizational structure, functions and resources to improve the delivery of care.
  7. Collaborates in planning for transitions across the continuum of care.

Ethics competencies

  1. Functions as a licensed, independent practitioner.
  2. Demonstrates the highest level of accountability for professional practice.
  3. Practices independently, managing previously diagnosed and undiagnosed patients.
    1. Provides the full spectrum of healthcare services to include health promotion, disease prevention, health protection, anticipatory guidance, counseling, disease management, palliative and end-of-life care.
    2. Uses advanced health-assessment skills to differentiate between normal, variations of normal and abnormal findings.
    3. Employs screening and diagnostic strategies in the development of diagnoses.
    4. Prescribes medications within scope of practice.
    5. Manages the health/illness status of patients and families over time.
  4. Provides patient-centered care, recognizing cultural diversity and the patient or designee as a full partner in decision-making.
    1. Works to establish a relationship with the patient, characterized by mutual respect, empathy and collaboration.
    2. Creates a climate of patient-centered care to include confidentiality, privacy, comfort, emotional support, mutual trust and respect.
    3. Incorporates the patient's cultural and spiritual preferences, values and beliefs into healthcare.
    4. Preserves the patient's control over decision-making by negotiating a mutely acceptable plan of care.