May 8, 2012 | March 20, 2012 | November 29, 2011
May 8, 2012
DATE: May 2, 2012
TO: The Faculty Senate and Voting Faculty
FROM: Susan Strehle, Chair
The third Faculty Senate meeting of the 2011-2012 academic year will be held on Tuesday, May 8 at 11:45 a.m. in UU Old Union Hall.
The agenda is:
- Approval of minutes of March 20, 2012 meeting (.pdf, 60kb)
- Approval of degree: Undergraduate Candidates, Graduate Candidates
- Obituary Notices
- Prof. Joseph Butler, Professor Emeritus of Geography
- Prof. Elias Schwartz, Professor Emeritus of English
- Reports
- Prof. Peter Knuepfer, University Faculty Senator
- Prof. Richard Lee, Chair, Faculty Senate Executive Committee
- Old Business
- Information requested about Gen Ed "G" (.pdf, 242kb)
- New Business
- Proposed Guidelines for approval of academic programs and departments through Faculty Senate (.pdf, 87kb)
- Proposed policy on courses offered in a very compressed time (.pdf, 6kb)
- Foreign Language Task Force recommendation (.pdf, 307kb)
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee has approved the Foreign Language Task Force’s recommendation – “The recommendation is for a four-year phase-in plan that consists of partial implementation for three years and full implementation in the fourth year (2016).†- Election of 2012-2013 Faculty Senate Procedures Committee. Pursuant to Article III,
Title B, 10.c. of the Faculty Bylaws, the Nominating Committee of the Faculty Senate
presents the following slate of nominees:
- Chair – Susan Strehle, English
- Vice Chair – Alistair Lees, Chemistry
- Secretary - Christine Reiber, Anthropology
March 20, 2012
DATE: March 13, 2012
TO: The Faculty Senate and Voting Faculty
FROM: Susan Strehle, Chair
President Harvey G. Stenger’s semi-annual full faculty meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 20, beginning at 11:45 a.m. in the Mandela Room, University Union.
Immediately following the full faculty meeting, the second Faculty Senate meeting of the 2011- 2012 academic year will be held. The agenda is:
- Approval of minutes of November 29, 2011 meeting (.pdf, 63kb)
- Reports
- Prof. Peter Knuepfer, University Faculty Senator (.pdf, 54kb)
- New Business
November 29, 2011
DATE: November 17, 2011
TO: The Faculty Senate and Voting Faculty
FROM: Susan Strehle, Chair
President C. Peter Magrath’s semi-annual full faculty meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 29, beginning at 11:45 a.m. in Old Union Hall, University Union.
Immediately following the full faculty meeting, the first Faculty Senate meeting of the 2011- 2012 academic year will be held. The agenda is:
- Approval of minutes of May 17, 2011 meeting
- Obituary Notices –
- Prof. Arthur S. Banks, Professor Emeritus, Political Science
- Prof. Richard Hofferbert, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Political Science
- Prof. Melvin Shefftz, Associate Professor Emeritus, History
- Prof. Alfred Carlip, Professor Emeritus, Economics
- Prof. Harold Babb, Professor Emeritus, Psychology
- Prof. Ruth Stone, Professor Emeritus, English
- Approval of degree candidates (.pdf, 438kb)
- Reports
- Prof. Peter Knuepfer, University Faculty Senator
- Prof. Richard Lee, Chair, Faculty Senate Executive Committee
- New Business
- Resolution for President C. Peter Magrath (handout at meeting)
- Resolution regarding Revision of Learning Outcomes for Global Interdependencies (.pdf, 40kb)
- Annual reports of 2010-2011 Faculty Senate standing committees and others (.pdf, 6.4mb)