Personal, Stipends and Meal Plan Reimbursement

Personal Reimbursements

In some instances, campus purchasers charge transactions on personal credit cards and seek reimbursement from state funds. While these transactions may be for legitimate state purposes, use of personal credit cards in this manner is strongly discouraged by the Office of the State Comptroller. Note that sales tax charged will not be reimbursed.

Currently the University has several mechanisms for state funded procurement that are acceptable choices. They are:

  • Purchase Order To Vendor: For purchases less than or equal to $2500, purchasers create requisition and forward to Purchasing Office for purchase orders creation. For purchases exceeding $2500, the Purchasing Department generates the Purchase Order (see Purchasing Procedures).
  • New York State Procurement Card: Purchasers use credit cards issued by Citibank Visa under contract with New York State. This card applies to state funded goods and services less than or equal to $2500 (see P-Card). If you are interested in learning more about this option, contact Tricia Wooden, X76100.

Personal Reimbursement Procedure

If an item is purchased by an individual and reimbursement is sought from State, SUTRA, IFR, or DIFR NYS funds, the following is required:

Complete a NYS Standard Voucher  (or use for an employee reimbursement) with the person's name and payee ID number (Tax ID or US Driver’s License number with state of issuance if non-employee or "N" number if an employee), with a description of item(s) purchased, appropriate signatures and 8 digit NYS account(s) to charge.

Reason for purchase

Original itemized receipt

Copy of credit card/bank statement showing liability for purchased item

We reserve the right to request a statement from the employee/non-employee being reimbursed explaining why the state process (Purchase Order To Vendor or New York State Procurement Card) could not be used to purchase the item(s).

Fellowship, Student Awards & Book Stipend Reimbursements

Fellowship/Student Award & Book Stipend Reimbursement Procedure

Complete a NYS Standard Voucher  with the person's name and payee ID number (Tax ID, US Driver’s License number with State of issuance or B number if non-employee or "N" number if an employee), with a description of fellowship/student award/book stipend, appropriate signatures and fund source(s) to charge. We need a copy of the award letter explaining the fellowship/book stipend to accompany the standard voucher.

The award must be part of a Student Award Program approved by the Division VP if over $100 and the approval needs to accompany the standard voucher.  Proof of Division approval is the responsibility of the department issuing the award.

Fellowships/Book Stipends and Student Awards will not be mailed to the student/recipient.  The checks will be sent to or picked up by the University department that issued the award.  The department will be responsible for distribution to the recipients.  These checks should be signed for by the students to show they were received by the correct parties and on what date they were picked up.

Department BUC$ and Department Meal Plan Replenishments

Department BUC$ and Department Meal Plan Replenishment Policy

Because receipt of goods or services is required prior to payment from state funds, non-state funds should be used for establishing Department debit cards or Department meal plans. Funds from private organizations (i.e., Research Foundation, BU Foundation) or individuals may be used for establishing Department debit card or Department meal plan purchase. Expenditures from these accounts can be used to  replenish these cards with state funds after services or goods are received.

Department BUC$ and Department Meal Plan Replenishment Procedure

For replenishment of Department BUC$ card or Department Meal Plan expenditures, the following is required:

  1. Requisition with Sodexo as vendor.
  2. Itemized Sodexo receipt(s) and statement of charges.
  3. Reasoning for reimbursement
  4. List of attendees
  5. Agenda/Itinerary/flyer from working food event or meeting