Applied Physics & Astronomy
Alexey Kolmogorov
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy
Research Interests
- Computational condensed matter physics
- Design of superconducting, topological and battery materials
- Machine learning and evolutionary optimization
Kanneboyina Nagaraju
Dean and Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research Interests
- Immunology
- Neuromuscular diseases
- Autoimmune diseases
- Drug development
Biological Sciences
Research Interests
- Evolution
- Ecology of behavior
Carol I. Miles
Associate Professor/ Undergraduate Program Director
Biological Sciences
Research Interests
- Neurobiology
- Development and behavior of insects
Research Interests
- Evolutionary and theoretical ecology
- Evolution of ecological communities
- Human evolutionary biology
James M. Sobel
Chair; Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
Research Interests
- Evolutionary genetics
- Genomics of adaptation
- Speciation in plants
Research Interests
- Biofilm development and resistance
Research Interests
- Community ecology
- Species interactions
- Environmental change
Steven P. Tammariello
Associate Chair; Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
Research Interests
- Equine performance genomics
Research Interests
- Evolutionary and ecological genetics
- Toxicogenomics
D. Andrew Merriwether
Professor; Collegiate Professor for College in the Woods
Anthropology; Residential Life
Research Interests
- Ancient DNA/PaleoGenomics
- Molecular Anthropology
- Peopling of the New World and The Pacific
- Plant and Animal Domestication
- Population Genetics/Phylogenetics
- Forensic DNA
- Molecular Epidemiology
- Biomedical Anthropology
- Evolutionary Biology/Molecular Evolution
- Paleodemography
Research Interests
- Mitochondrial protein biogenesis
- Mitochondrial genetics
- Intracellular communication
Research Interests
- Reproductive physiology of insects and arachnids
Kathleen L. Horwath
Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
Research Interests
- Comparative and environmental biochemistry
- Molecular cell biology
- Development and physiology of insects
Research Interests
- Behavioral neurogenetics - taste and feeding, learning and memory
Research Interests
- Analytical chemistry
- Materials chemistry
- Catalysis
- Electrochemistry
- Nanotechnology
Research Interests
- Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
Computer Science
Madhusudhan Govindaraju
Vice Provost for International Education and Global Affairs (IEGA); Professor, Computer Science
International Education and Global Affairs; Academic Affairs, Office of the Executive VP and Provost; Computer Science
Research Interests
- Cloud computing
- Big Data computing
- Distributed systems
- High performance computing
- Web services
- Component-based technologies
- Problem-solving environments
John W. Frazier
SUNY Distinguished Service Professor, Graduate Director
Research Interests
- Ethnic and Racial Geography
- Applied Urban Geography
- Race/Ethnicity
- Urban Revitalization
- Applied Geography/Urban
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J. David Jentsch
Distinguished Professor and Chair
Research Interests
- Behavior genetics
- Drug addiction and alcoholism
- Impulsivity
- Incentive motivation
- Reinforcement and reward
Teaching Interests
- Behavioral Neuroscience
- Biological Basis of Mental Illness
- Behavior Genetics
- Effective NIH Grantsmanship
Research Interests
- Disorders of Memory
- Neurodegeneration
- Neuroplasticity and Neurotrophins
- Neurobiology of Reward
Teaching Interests
- Drugs and Behavior
- Alcoholism and Alcohol-induced brain damage
- Behavioral Neuroscience
- Neuroplasticity and Behavioral Recovery
Kathleen L. Horwath
Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
Research Interests
- Comparative and environmental biochemistry
- Molecular cell biology
- Development and physiology of insects
Research Interests
- Neurodevelopment
- Prenatal drug exposure
- Substance use disorder
- Neural circuits
- Sex as a biological variable
Eric J. Cotts
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy
Research Interests
- Condensed matter physics
- interfacial phenomena
Research Interests
- Sexual Socialization
- Reproductive Health Attitudes
- Body Image Development
- Healthy Sexual Behaviors and Decision Making
David F. Werner
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Research Interests
- Alcohol and anesthetic action
- addiction
- neuroplasticity
- neuropharmacology
- molecular genetics
Research Interests
- Assessment and treatment issues for individuals with autism spectrum disorders across the lifespan
- service provider training and development
Teaching Interests
- Laboratory in Child Behavior
- Undergraduate Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Assessment and Treatment and Evaluation
Research Interests
- similarity and analogy
- neural network models of cognition
- knowledge representation
- education and transfer of learning
- machine learning
Research Interests
- Biological rhythms
- epilepsy/development
- neural transplantation
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Research Interests
- Alcoholism
- alcohol and behavior
- behavior therapy
- psychopathology
Christopher R. Bishop
Professor/Director of Undergraduate Integrative Neuroscience Program
Research Interests
- Parkinson's Disease
- Neuroplasticity
- Drug Development
Teaching Interests
- The Diseased Brain
- Experimental Psychology-Learning
- Movement Disorders Laboratory
- Clinical Neuroscience
Deanne L. Westerman
Professor and Cognitive Area Coordinator
Research Interests
- Human memory
Joseph Morrissey
Research Interests
- Disorders of Memory
- Neurodegeneration
- Neuroplasticity and Neurotrophins
- Neurobiology of Reward
Teaching Interests
- Drugs and Behavior
- Alcoholism and Alcohol-induced brain damage
- Behavioral Neuroscience
- Neuroplasticity and Behavioral Recovery
Matthew D. Johnson
Professor and Director of Clinical Training
Research Interests
- Changes in marriages and family functioning
- Intimate partner violence
- Psychological science impacting public policy
Teaching Interests
- Intimate relationships
- Research methods in psychology
- Statistics and research design
Clinical Interests
- Private practice
- Clinical supervisor
Research Interests
- Developmental behavioral neuroscience; characteristics and neurobiological mechanisms of the ontogeny of alcohol ingestion and alcohol reinforcement during early ontogeny; very early learning and the ontogeny of memory
Research Interests
- Analytical chemistry
- Materials chemistry
- Catalysis
- Electrochemistry
- Nanotechnology
Computer Engineering
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Research Interests
- Bioelectronics and Microsystems
- Microfluidics
- Semiconductors
- Biosensors and Biofuel cells
- Bioenergy
- Nanotechnology
Research Interests
- Smart cities
- Intelligent surveillance
- Edge-fog-cloud computing
- Internet of Things
- Security & Privacy
Teaching Interests
- Hardware-based security
- Network security
- Computer network architecture
- Compter architecture
Electrical Engineering
Xiaohua (Edward) Li
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- ​Signal processing in communications and wireless networks
- Cognitive radio networks
- Wireless information assurance
- Blind equalization​
Teaching Interests
- Digital Signal Processing II
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Digital Communication Systems
- Wireless Communications
- GameTheory for Wireless Communications
- Adaptive Signal Processing
- Advanced Mathematics for Electrical Engineering
Industrial Systems Engineering
Sung Hoon Chung
Associate Professor
Systems Science and Industrial Engineering
Research Interests
- Healthcare operations management
- Supply chain management
- Mathematical optimization
- Computational game theory
Material Science and Engineering
Jeffrey Mativetsky
Director of Materials Science and Engineering; Associate Professor
Materials Science and Engineering; Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy
Research Interests
- Organic Electronics and Solar Cells
- Nanomaterials
- Nanoscale Electrical Property Mapping
Mechanical Engineering
James M. Pitarresi
Vice Provost; Vice Provost; Distinguished Teaching Professor; Vice Provost for Online and Innovation Education
Center for Learning and Teaching; Mechanical Engineering; Academic Affairs, Office of the Executive VP and Provost
Research Interests
- Computational mechanics
- vibration modeling and testing
- opto-mechanical techniques
- electronic packaging
Research Interests
- Nonlinear dynamics of micro and nano systems (MEMS/NEMS)
Research Interests
- Fluid dynamics
- high temperature capillarity
- wetting
- reactive wetting
- physics of interfaces
- functional materials
Junghyun Cho
Professor; Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Faculty Development
Mechanical Engineering; Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science
Research Interests
- Materials
- ceramic films
- metals and alloys
- microstructure design of advanced materials
- mechanical property
Research Interests
- Mechanical vibrations
- acoustics
Systems Science & Industrial Engin.
Daryl Santos
SUNY Distinguished Service Professor
Systems Science and Industrial Engineering
Research Interests
- Production scheduling and control
- Engineering optimization
- Quality Assurance
- Engineering management
- Electronics packaging
Sang Won Yoon
Systems Science and Industrial Engineering
Research Interests
- Decentralized decision modeling
- Realtime control in smart manufacturing
- Large-scale data mining optimization
Peter Borgesen
Systems Science and Industrial Engineering
Research Interests
- Manufacturing processes and reliability
- Current emphasis on electronics packaging and flexible hybrid electronics reliability
- Cross-disciplinary experimental research (materials science, mechanics, industrial engineering), practical guidelines and models, incomplete data interpretation, statistics
School of Management
Shelley D. Dionne
Dean and Professor of Management
School of Management
Research Interests
- Leadership
- Teams
- Multi-level issues
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Research Interests
- Lithic Analysis
- Feminism and Gender
- Communities of Practice
- Sociopolitics of Archaeology
- Ethics of Archaeology
- Prehistoric Europe
Research Interests
- Labor Economics
- Human Capital and Income Distribution
- Econometrics
- Impact of Economic Considerations on International Relations
Susan Wolcott Hanes
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor
Research Interests
- Economic History
- Labor Economics
- International Economics
Cynthia M. Connine
Emerita Professor of Psychology and Linguistics
Research Interests
- Spoken word recognition
- Speech perception
- Language processing
- Psycholinguistics
Teaching Interests
- Psycholinguistics
- Bilingualism
- Cognitive Psychology
- Perceptual learning
- Practical pedagogy in university teaching
Political Science
Research Interests
- American Politics
- congress
- political parties
Research Interests
- Comparative Politics
- Islamic Law
- Islamic Politics
- Conflict Resolution
Teaching Interests
- Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa
- Political Islam
- Development of the Modern State
- Nationalism
David L. Cingranelli
Professor; Co-Director, Human Rights Institute; Co-Director
Political Science; Human Rights Institute
Research Interests
- Human rights
Research Interests
- U.S. Women’s History
- Latinas/os in the U.S.
- Puerto Rican Women’s History
- Feminist Theories
- Cultural Studies
- Critique of Coloniality
Juanita DĂaz-Cotto
Affiliated Faculty, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Affiliated Faculty, Latin American and Caribbean Areas Studies Program; Professor, Sociology
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies Program; Sociology
Research Interests
- Criminal Justice/Penal Institutions
- Gender/Sexuality
- Latinas and Other People of Color in the U.S.
- Latin American and Caribbean History
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Research Interests
- Politics in Latin America
- Historical sociology
- State-business relations
Africana Studies
Research Interests
- Religion
- African and African Diaspora religions and cultures
- theological studies
Titilayo Okoror
Chair and Associate Professor
Africana Studies
Research Interests
- Health Disparities
- Sexual Health
- Cardiovascular Health
Teaching Interests
- Global Health
- Refugee & Immigrant Health
- Community and Public Health
- Qualitative Research Methods
Art History
Research Interests
- Critical Theory, Particularly that of Adorno and Benjamin and the Historical Avant Garde
- Film Noir
- German Expressionism and Weimar Cinema
- Paracinema
- Marxism
- Psychoanalysis and Phenomenology
Asian and Asian American Studies
Chenqing Song
Associate Professor
Linguistics Program; Department of Asian and Asian American Studies
Research Interests
- Chinese phonology
- Historical linguistics
- Tones in poetic prosody
- Chinese as a foreign language teaching
Teaching Interests
- Chinese language teaching
- Chinese linguistics and culture
David C. Stahl
Professor, Japanese Program Coordinator
Department of Asian and Asian American Studies
Research Interests
- Modern Japanese literature and film
- Unresolved issues from the Asia Pacific War
- Examination of traumatic Japanese narratives in trauma/PTSD studies terms
- Ideology, propaganda, master narrative and counter narrative studies
- Japanese-English literary translation
Teaching Interests
- Survey courses on modern Japanese literature and Japanese Cinema
- Artistic representation of Japanese Asia Pacific War experience
- Unresolved issues from modern Wars in Asia
- Social trauma and its psychosocial aftereffects
- Dissociation and recovery
Joseph Weil
Associate Professor
English, General Literature and Rhetoric
Joseph Weil
Associate Professor
English, General Literature and Rhetoric
Latin American Caribbean Studies
Research Interests
- Animal Rights Scholarship
- Cultural & Media Studies
- Transhumanist Studies
- Feminist Theory
Jeffner M. Allen
Professor; TRIP Courtesy Title
Africana Studies; Translation Research and Instruction Program (TRIP)
Research Interests
- Cultural Imaginaries and Representation
- Trans-Genre Writing
- Feminist and Lesbian Studies
- Postcolonial Studies
- Diasporic Literatures
- Water and Environmental Studies
- Transdisciplinary Studies
- Multi-Platform Works
- 20th and 21st Century European Philosophy
Charles A. Goodman
Professor; Director/Program in Philosophy, Politics and Law; Professor
Philosophy; Department of Asian and Asian American Studies; Philosophy, Politics and Law Program
Research Interests
- Asian Philosophy
- Ethical Theory
- Applied Ethics
Teaching Interests
- Asian Philosophy
- Ethical Theory
- Applied Ethics
- Metaphysics
Philosophy, Interpretation and Culture
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Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies [WGSS]
Dara J. Silberstein
Associate Research Professor of WGSS
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Research Interests
- U.S. women’s labor history with a focus on the effects of public policies and laws on women’s status.
Teaching Interests
- A Legal History of Sexuality in the United States
- Women and the Law
- Introduction to Women’s Studies
- Feminism and Activism
Sean G. Massey
Associate Professor
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Research Interests
- Sexuality and Gender
- Anti-Homosexual Prejudice
- Racial Bias in Education and Law Enforcement Contexts
- Relationship Between Social Science and Social Change
Human Development
Research Interests
- Sexual Socialization
- Reproductive Health Attitudes
- Body Image Development
- Healthy Sexual Behaviors and Decision Making
Research Interests
- Health disparities and inequities (HIV and AIDS prevention)
- Black psychological development and mental health
- Critical community-based participatory research
- Mixed- and multi-methods research
Public Administraton
George Homsy
Director of Environmental Studies; Associate Professor
Environmental Studies Program; CCPA Public Administration and Policy
Research Interests
- Sustainability
- Sustainable communities and regions
- Heritage and neighborhood sustainability
- Community planning across generations
- Land use and economic development planning
- Citizen participation in local government policymaking
Pamela Mischen
Faculty Advisor to the President; Chief Sustainability Officer; Professor
President, Office of the; Office of Sustainability; Environmental Studies Program
Research Interests
- Knowledge management and inter-organizational networks
- Local government capacity to create sustainable communities
- Sustainability metrics for communities
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Thomas Sinclair
Associate Professor
CCPA Public Administration and Policy
Research Interests
- Public budgeting
- policy analysis
- policy implementation
School of Education ( Philosophy, Politics, Law & Economics)
Candace A. Mulcahy
Associate Professor
Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Education policies that apply to youth in corrections
- Provision of appropriate education and special education services to marginalized youth
- Effective reading and mathematics instruction for youth with disabilities in public schools and for youth in corrections
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School of Education
Loretta Mason-Williams
Director of the Community Research and Action, PhD Program; Associate Professor
CCPA PhD Program; Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Critical quantitative research
- Issues related to the teacher supply demand and preparation of well-prepared teachers
- Equitable education
Elizabeth M. Anderson
Associate Professor
Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Integrating a community schools approach with an expanded Multi-Tiered System of Supports framework to support students, families and communities
- How to improve the alignment and integration of programs and services by strengthening university-school-community partnerships.
S. G. Grant
Bartle Professor
Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Social studies teaching and learning curriculum and assessment
- New national standards for social studies
- Curriculum and instructional model that advances inquiry-based teaching practice
Higher Education and Student Affairs
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Mary E. Muscari, PhD, MSCr, CPNP, PMHCNS-BC, AFN-BC
Associate Professor
Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Research Interests
- Children and adolescents as victims/perpetrators of violence
- Sexual offending
- Mass violence
Teaching Interests
- Advanced practice psychiatric nursing
- Forensic pediatrics
- Victimology
- Criminal psychopathology
- Sexual offending and victimization
Clinical Interests
- Children and adolescents as victims/perpetrators of violence
- Sexual offending
Sharon A. Bryant, PhD
Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the Decker College; Co-Director; Associate Director; Associate Professor, Master of Public Health (MPH) Program; Co-Principal Investigator; Director
Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences; Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP); Harriet Tubman Center for Freedom and Equity (HTC); Public Health; Upward Bound Math-Science (UBMS); McNair Scholars Program
Research Interests
- Health promotion and disease prevention behaviors of underrepresented populations
- Intimate partner violence among college students
Teaching Interests
- Health disparities and vulnerable populations
Public Health
Yvonne Johnston, DrPH, MS, FNP
Founding Director; Associate Professor/Founding Director, MPH Program
Public Health; Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Research Interests
- Public health
- Epidemiology
- Nursing
- Population health
- Program evaluation
- Chronic disease risk reduction
- Health promotion
- Fall prevention among older adults
- Evidence-based practice
- Data analytics
- Social determinants of health
- Translational research
Teaching Interests
- Advanced pathophysiology
- Advanced pharmacology
- Advanced diagnostics
Clinical Interests
- Works as a nurse practitioner (part time) with the Broome County Health Department and the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH) in Cooperstown, N.Y.
- Oncology nursing
- Adult health
- Employee/occupational health
- Tuberculosis control